Ok, so here is the worst experience ever at a car wash!! (BTW, my first time ever to use a Handsfree Car Wsh!!)
In Bee none the less!!
Ok, it all started because, well, we traveled and he was disgustingly dirty!
So, we are in New Hampshire and I really don't know my way around there. Hubs, my lil bro and I went for a nice drive while looking for a regular car wash. Went for about 30 minutes and had no luck. So, then we went back towards the familiar area (for me) and went to the gas station, it had an automatic washer. Well I thought to myself that should be easy. I didn't have to get out and actually wash my car. Yes I was being lazy! Hubs protested for a minute but gave up cause I was determined to get Bee cleaned!
Hubs wanted us to get gas first so, we go to the pump and get gas and pay for the car wash..which was $6.00 by the way-nuts-then pulls up to carwash. I slowly drive up and push the buttons for the carwash and try and put my left tires in the track that "supposed" to pull my car through. Well, I didn't feel that I was in it so I turned the wheels and pushed on the gas a little to fix it....WRONG! I hear the loud SCRATCHING noise...
Me- "OMFG, I think I scratched my rims...OMG OMG OMG!..Hun, what do I do..?"
Hubs- "It's ok, I don't think it was anything"
-not sounding convinced- I start hyperventilate
It was too late, there was two cars behind us, the one right behind me is...A PORSCHE! Hubs was nervous but he looked behind and saw the Porsche...
Hubs- "Ok, well, there is a Porsche behind us so this must be ok to use!"
Well, we were slightly wrong. (I knew I should have listened to hubs...shame) So, the track pulled us up a little (btw, I didn't know that you put your car in neutral to do this). Then the car rolls back, just a little...
Me- "Ummm, I don't think we were supposed to do that hun!"
Hubs- "Uhh yea, I don't think so either!"
Water starts to spray on the car for a few minutes. I felt a little calm after that, I thought it was fixed and we were good to go....WRONG!
Me- "Okay, here we go, were good"
The track "pulled" us up more....then rolls back again. Just a few inches.
Hubs- "WTF! Why the hell is that Porsche not moving...If he hits us...!"
Me- "Honey, I don't know!" (screeching at this point)
-My heart was racing and I started to shake-
The soap "brushes" were moving back and forth up at the front of the car...and never moved to the back. I start freaking out cause then you see the "rinsing water" go off then the "dryer" moves down.
Me- nervously talks, shaking and pointing "Ummm we are umm supposed to be over there, effin' a! What the eff is going on. -starting to breath really fast feeling dizzy- What the eff, can't someone see that we aren't moving, why can't they come out here and effin' help us!!"
I start to look around and start to feel chlostraphobic, I closed the sun roof, so I couldn't see the top grab the wheel and put my head on it.
Me- "Okay seriously I am going to have a effin' panic attack...HUN!! I am freaking out, OMG OMG..."
Hubs- "Shit!" (puts his head in his hands and then turns around looking)
Me- "What, what...OMG hun, really, I am freaking out!!" (for some reason, I felt like I was going to die...yes go ahead and laugh now!) Ok, I am going to call OnStar, maybe they can call inside the gas station and tell them!"
I call OnStar and tell them that we are stuck in a car wash and don't know how to get out and that I am freaking out! LOL!
Hubs then opens his door...
Me- "What the hell are you doing, what are you doing, what are you doing, what are you doing?!?!"
Hubs- "Getting out.." (smartass mo'fo)
Me- "What? I don't....uh.....what, I...OMG be careful don't hit the door on the wall!!!!"
He gets out of the car carefully and talks to the porsche guy telling them what is going on. Walks to the front of the car (all while being on hold by OnStar!) and directs me out of the tracks. I kept hearing a sqeak but Hubs looked like nothing was wrong. Phew! I finally get out of the damn wash and my car is HALF WASHED..I still had effin' soap on the back half!! WTF!
Finally OnStar gets back on and say an attendent is coming out to help..I told them don't worry about it...I jump out and hubs and I look at the rims...SAFE!!!!!!!
This whole time my little brother (16) is in the back seat probably ready to bust out in tears with laughter!!
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