Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kalli's Fail of the Day...

Funny Story:

So a few weeks ago my friends and I went to buy our tickets for the midnight Harry Potter premiere next week. We were so proud of ourselves for thinking so far in advance. But none of us took the time to read our tickets. All six of us just assumed that since most movies open on Friday, this one would too. And so for a week, we've all been talking about how hard it was gonna be to drag ourselves to work the next morning, and one of my friends even took off work next Friday.

And then today, it dawned on us that the 15th isn't next's next Wednesday.

So...there's good news and bad news.

The good news is that I'm getting to see HP two days earlier than I thought!

The bad news for my friend is that it's too late for her to change her day off next week. And the bad news for me is that I STILL haven't started my re-read of HBP...and it's really starting to look like I'm not gonna make it.

Oh least next time I'll look at a calendar! LOL!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that the first post on this blog is about Harry

    Can't wait to catch up on all these posts! <3

    p.s. - I know NOTHING about Harry Potter... sorry!
