Saturday, July 18, 2009

Vampires-Pop Culture fixation!

Ok so here's another random blogging from me that I think many of you will understand. It seems everywhere we look there's something about vampires.
Recently when I was on vacation we were watching the channel the CW and they kept advertising a new show this fall called "The Vampire Diaries". The preview showed a very handsome boy writing in a diary about how he wants to be a better person or whatever he is. He is also very pale. Another shot was showing a young girl and a high school and on the preview for the show was even a red and white flower. I was shocked! My first thought was wow, another bandwagon jumper. Several of my family members asked me if I had seen the show previewed and I was like yeah another Twilight wannabe. But then I got to thinking...this isn't the first time I have seen something vampire-ish since Twilight. I have noticed on the movie channels on my TV they are playing "Queen of the Damned" almost every other day, not to mention that cheesy vampire movie with Jim Carey, and Interview with a Vampire. Last year a new series called "True Blood" aired on HBO. The Sookie Stackhouse novels, which True Blood is based on, have become even more popular. I myself have read all the Sookie books and love them! I also like to watch True Blood!
Not that it is all because of Twilight but lets look at this from a different angle. If Twilight would have been a flop and made no money at the box office, or the books wouldn't have been as amazing as they are, would HBO and the CW picked up these shows? Would The Sookie Stackhouse novels, which were written before Twilight, be one of the hottest books to read out there!? As a die hard Twilighter, I would like to think NO. I think because of the popularity and pandemonium that has come from Twilight and the Twilight Saga, other authors have benefited from it. Both Sookie Stackhouse and the Vampire Diaries were published before Twilight. But I never heard of them until AFTER Twilight and True Blood started showing up on HBO on Sunday nights. These authors are indeed talented, and I'm sure they had a fan base before Twilight, but I think their fan base has grown because of Twilight and how we all fell in love with the Cullen's and Bella and the whole adventure that is Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
Because of Twilight and Sookie, and True Blood and everything else vampire I was thinking, I wonder if anyone has created Vampire Bars or clubs? I'm talking REAL vampire bars. Well I was curious so I googled Real Vampire Bars. This is the website I found. You can click on your state and it will show a list of cities that have REAL vampire friendly bars/clubs. I was shocked that several cities in my state of has vampire friendly bars/clubs less than 2 hours away from my house. So I clicked on one of the cities closest to me and I found one. This place opened not too long ago, and a friend of mine wanted me to go to it once. It's an old church, how fitting right? But when we looked at it online, I thought it looked creepy. They also have a section of slayers and hunters is you're doubting this. The site is very basic but very interesting. So because of the burst of Twilight and other vampire books, shows, etc. Vampires are now a huge part of our culture. Makes you wonder, are they REALLY real? And if they are...are liking all this attention? And if they aren't....what could happen?
OK that was really random but I think you guys follow me! Anyways, this concludes our program for today! Until next time....Twilight for life!!

1 comment:

  1. Um. There are 2 in my city. I'm a little intrigued... but also a little freaked out.

    I wonder if I could spy first. >_>
