Friday, July 31, 2009
New Moon Soundtrack
Up first-Kelly Clarkson's "Did You". Song talks about her asking the guy who left her 'did you ever care about me' which would fit into the whole Bella/Edward leaving scenario.
*du du du dud deedd du du beep beep* BREAKING NEWS! It has been reported on various sites that "Did You" by Kelly Clarkson will in fact be featured on the New Moon Soundtrack. Back to your reguarly scheduled program. Also the only other confirmed song is "I know who I am" by Band of Skulls. I have the song, its not bad! Im assuming its going with Jake somehow.
Up next "Pieces" by Red. I don't remember where I heard this, it might have been SM's website, but this song is the bees knees when it comes to talking about Bella and Jacob. This song states in the lyriscs "I come to you in pieces and hope you can make me whole" WOW. She all but says that! Plus its just a kick ass song!
Next song which is also by Kelly Clarkson-"Haunted". Talks about looking for someone because they can't find them and they need them! The urgency she sings with, sounds like what Bella would sound like.
Next on Val's list-o-songs: Hana Pestle-"need". It's a great song about missing the one that you can't live without. She is actually trying to get this on the NM soundtrack by pimping it out. I like it, very sweet!
Another song: By The Format "On Your Porch". To me this is a song that reminds me of Jake and how he is hopelessly in love and he would just come to her front porch to be near her. Not in a creepy stalker kinda way though. The music that accompanies the lyrics is very, how do I say this, tugs at your heart strings. If you haven't heard this song, I suggest you check it out. I love it!
Ok the next song is for my fave character Alice. When she is hauling tail throgh Italy-I think they should play Van Halen's "I can't drive 55" as in MPH's. I know this would never get put in there but its just funny. Just like Peter Facinelli's "Single Ladies" by Beyonce should play when Edward walks away from Bella. HILARIOUS!
Moving right along, another song I love dearly is "Blackout" by Muse. Serioulsy folks, if you haven't heard this song-stop reading right now, and go find it! This song would be PERFECT when Bella is laying in the woods. Im serious! Its so solemn and just sounds lonely like you've blackout out from some serious pain. Like losing the one you love!
Another song I love and want on the soundtrack somewhere is "You were meant for me" by Jewel. It just seems right to have that song somewhere. She is so alone in the song and that someday he'll see. Come to think of could be from Jake's POV
Ok I think you'll agree that "World Without You" by Mitch Hansen Band should SO be on the soundtrack. I mean come on, its for New Moon about Edward learning Bella jumped and all that jazz!! Enough Said. LOL.
There is also Incubus's "Earth to Bella" pt 1 and 2. It could be used when she is "catatonic" as Charlie said the dr. described her as being. Check those out too! Great jams!
Ok the rest of this little list is just what I call "ehh could work" songs:
Stuck in a moment-U2
Damn Girl-All American Rejects
Hyper Music-Muse
What Hurts the Most-Rascal Flats(im on the fence with this one)
Don't Walk Away-The Mending Seed (GREAT song!)
That sums it up! So please share your thoughts and I will let Summit know what I come up with! PYSCH! HAHAHA. How cool would that be though!?
I totally heard 2 songs today that I want to add to this list!!
Here they are:
"Time Stands Still"-All American Rejects. This song has actually been dubbed (Bella's Perspective) Great song that is sad but still has an upbeat tone too. But talks about how things used to be are just a shadow, and that she has lost her will b/c of being left and time standing still. Check it!
Song 2: "Fix You"-Coldplay. Totally a Jake song to Bella. Talks about how when you try your best and don't' succeed, and just everything is going wrong, and your crying-just come home and he will fix you. Seriously you guys, this is one of my all time favorite Coldplay songs. Its so "straight from the heart" and just a great song about devotion to someone. This is also on Stephenie Meyer's play list for New Moon. Her website is packed with play lists for each book. GREAT PLAY LISTS! Go under the Twilight series tab, and then each book has a tab on the left that has a link to her play lists for each book. You can even listen to the full song from her page! Ok, update complete. For now. LOL.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Automatic Car Wash Fail!

Finally OnStar gets back on and say an attendent is coming out to help..I told them don't worry about it...I jump out and hubs and I look at the rims...SAFE!!!!!!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
*Twilight Chat Night*
Dont forget!! Be there or i'll tell the Volturi on you!! lol
Random Twi-Moment from My Weekend
For those of you who haven't played, here's how it works. You draw a card with a word, name, or phrase at the top that you try to get your team members to say. But, there is also a list of words on the card that you can't say. So, for example, you might try to get your team to say "teeth," but you can't say "mouth," "bite," "gums," "chew," or "dentist." It's a pretty fun game, and if you haven't played...I highly recommend it.
Anyhow...we were playing guys vs. girls...and one of the guys was having a really hard time getting his team to say a certain phrase. Finally, he got someone to shout "dead end."
You're probably all with me by now, but at that moment, my first thought was: "Oh...that would have been really easy. Just say, what movie did Bella and Jessica go see in New Moon?"
And then I realized that the other people in the room probably wouldn't have had a clue what I was talking about. *Sigh* Now I'm wishing for a TSS game night when we could all get together and play Twilight Scene-It!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
**Why I Love Twilight**
Friday, July 24, 2009
Movie Ruiners!
I have gone on opening day to see each of the films, and then several other times before it leaves the theatre. I am such a die hard that I bought a boot leg version of GOF in NYC, got it home and stopped watching 10 minutes into it because I felt guilty! Like Harry or Mrs.Weasley would be upset because it wasn't the "actual" DVD. So when I saw the trailer for HBP I was so excited! Then I realize I am on vacation on the release date, DRAT! So I decide to wait and go on the following Sunday with my dad. We have a little tradition with HP. No one else will go with my but my dad. LOL. We arrive 15 min early to our little theatre in town, get our snacks, and head in. I am doubly pumped because I've heard the New Moon trailer is playing before HP.
The lights grow dim, people are "shhhhhing" each other. Im wiggling in my seat thinking "oh man -This is it. This is what I've waited months, years to see! Not to mention R-Pats and Taylor Lautner on the big screen and in all their hawtness!"
First preview-heck I can't even tell you what it was. The next preview comes and goes and then the next. Then the big WB symbol and the beginning of HP are on the screen. I turn to my dad and say out loud in my outside voice "WHAT THE?!" My dad looks alarmed, and says "whats the matter?" I reply with "where's the new moon trailer!?" He explained to me that it wasn't going to show obviously because we are watching HP by now.
I relax, he's right we are watching Harry Potter and the HBP. Ok this is still going to be awesome. I noticed upon entering the theatre it was pretty full. So naturally, 5 children are sitting behind us. They are so excited about their popcorn its all they talk about. Im talking non stop chatter. Then they discover one of them has a squeaky chair. They all take turns playing in the squeaky chair. So I have a raging conversation about how awesome their popcorn is, and a squeaky chair going off like a fire alarm. Now, I am normally a laid back person, not one for violence. But I was ready to clobber those children with their own shoes. They were ruining the movie for me and the people around us. This latest 3/4 of the film. Then towards the end at the crucial moment a cell phone goes off and its the woman 4 seats down from me. This ringer startled everyone in the theatre. She then proceeds to have a conversation with the genius who called her while she was in a movie. I was about to flip my lid when I realized the show was over.
We left, and I eventually calmed down. I still enjoyed Harry Potter and the HBP but not the way I wanted. The film was amazing. It captured the key emotions that were expressed in the book and all the havoc that is being unleashed on the wizarding world. I can't wait until HP and the Deathly Hallows pt 1 is released. I do believe the best is yet to come!
The whole experience reminded me why I go to the later showings and why some animals eat their young. (HAHA-JK I love kids! Most anyways. )
Sorry for the little rant, but had to share with those who I feel will understand where I'm coming from on this. So, thanks for listening! And please remember-it takes many calls to make a movie and only one to ruin it. So please no calls or texts during the show. (that is the message that plays at the theatre before each movie) Happy Weekend!
Monday, July 20, 2009
10 things you didn't know about Billy Burke aka Charlie Swan
Here are just a few things about the man who plays everyone favorite dad, Bella's dad, Charlie. There isn't much out there about Billy Burke, but here's just a few things.
- He was born in Bellingham, Washington.
- Billy came up with the “Vitamin R” line in Twilight. That’s what they call Rainier Beer in WA.
- His new iPhone App launched July 16th.
- He began his career as a musician.
- Billy is an avid poker player.
- Billy has received the script for Eclipse.
- He came up with the idea for Charlie Swan’s mustache. He regrets the decision of the director in keeping the mustache.
- He has 5 movies coming out in 2009. (The Closer, Ticket Out, Baby O, Luster, New Moon)
- Billy became a father while filming Twilight.
- Billy is on Twitter. (
Kisses Week: Part I Wordle

I'm not sure if any of you ladies are familar with - but it's a really cool site where you can go to make wordclouds. I'm a huge I love going there and playing around. I thought I would try it out with my quotes, so here is the wordle that I made with all of the quotes from last week. Just thought I'd share...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
New Moon Trailer Story...
There are two pieces of background info you need:
1. So, last night the hubs and I went to see Harry Potter HBP, and we went to the same theater where I had gone earlier in the week for the midnight premiere. From my venting earlier in the week, you know that they didn't play the NM trailer before the premiere, so I wasn't expecting to get to see it last night either.
2. The hubs has started listening to NM on audiobook when we go on longish drives in the car, and we're about half-way through listening to the story at this point. the previews start last night, and we're about three in when I hear a familar sound. I literally think that by the time the coastline shot (you know the one I'm talking about *wink*) comes on the screen...I'm in shock. I had been waiting to see the trailer for so long and I was always on the edge of my seat holding my breath...and the one time that I'm sure we won't see it - we do. takes me a few seconds to convince myself that yes...I'm really seeing this on the big screen and stop freaking out enough to start enjoying it.
But me finally getting to see the trailer isn't the cute part. So...we're watching and we come to the meadow scene...Bella runs...and Jake comes running and phases. So...just as it goes to the logo shot at the end...the hubs leans over and says "But that's not how it happened in the book..."
Now...I know it's not that big of a deal really...but I was just so excited that he was actually listening and paying attention to the audiobook enough to know the plotline that well that I practically spilled my popcorn turning to him to let him know that he was right and the trailer was putting together two different scenes there. By this point...I'm positively beaming!!
I still have a huge grin on my face and I'm proud to say that I think I have taken the first step to converting my hubs to Twilight!! Yipee!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Vampires-Pop Culture fixation!
Recently when I was on vacation we were watching the channel the CW and they kept advertising a new show this fall called "The Vampire Diaries". The preview showed a very handsome boy writing in a diary about how he wants to be a better person or whatever he is. He is also very pale. Another shot was showing a young girl and a high school and on the preview for the show was even a red and white flower. I was shocked! My first thought was wow, another bandwagon jumper. Several of my family members asked me if I had seen the show previewed and I was like yeah another Twilight wannabe. But then I got to thinking...this isn't the first time I have seen something vampire-ish since Twilight. I have noticed on the movie channels on my TV they are playing "Queen of the Damned" almost every other day, not to mention that cheesy vampire movie with Jim Carey, and Interview with a Vampire. Last year a new series called "True Blood" aired on HBO. The Sookie Stackhouse novels, which True Blood is based on, have become even more popular. I myself have read all the Sookie books and love them! I also like to watch True Blood!
Not that it is all because of Twilight but lets look at this from a different angle. If Twilight would have been a flop and made no money at the box office, or the books wouldn't have been as amazing as they are, would HBO and the CW picked up these shows? Would The Sookie Stackhouse novels, which were written before Twilight, be one of the hottest books to read out there!? As a die hard Twilighter, I would like to think NO. I think because of the popularity and pandemonium that has come from Twilight and the Twilight Saga, other authors have benefited from it. Both Sookie Stackhouse and the Vampire Diaries were published before Twilight. But I never heard of them until AFTER Twilight and True Blood started showing up on HBO on Sunday nights. These authors are indeed talented, and I'm sure they had a fan base before Twilight, but I think their fan base has grown because of Twilight and how we all fell in love with the Cullen's and Bella and the whole adventure that is Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
Because of Twilight and Sookie, and True Blood and everything else vampire I was thinking, I wonder if anyone has created Vampire Bars or clubs? I'm talking REAL vampire bars. Well I was curious so I googled Real Vampire Bars. This is the website I found. You can click on your state and it will show a list of cities that have REAL vampire friendly bars/clubs. I was shocked that several cities in my state of has vampire friendly bars/clubs less than 2 hours away from my house. So I clicked on one of the cities closest to me and I found one. This place opened not too long ago, and a friend of mine wanted me to go to it once. It's an old church, how fitting right? But when we looked at it online, I thought it looked creepy. They also have a section of slayers and hunters is you're doubting this. The site is very basic but very interesting. So because of the burst of Twilight and other vampire books, shows, etc. Vampires are now a huge part of our culture. Makes you wonder, are they REALLY real? And if they are...are liking all this attention? And if they aren't....what could happen?
OK that was really random but I think you guys follow me! Anyways, this concludes our program for today! Until next time....Twilight for life!!
10 things you didn't know about Taylor Lautner aka Jacob Black...
- Taylor's birthday is February 11, 1992.
- He has worked as a voice actor for much of his career. He’s lent his voice to “He’s a Bully, Charlie Brown,” “Danny Phantom,” “What’s New Scooby-Doo?” and “Duck Dodgers.”3. In addition to starring in “The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D,” his big break, he also lent vocals to the soundtrack.
- Acting is not Lautner’s only passion. He has won several karate awards and medals. At eight years old, he represented the U.S. at the World Karate Association, where he won three gold medals and became the Junior World Forms and Weapons champion.
- Taylor got into acting after his martial arts instructor told him to give it a try.
- Taylor is of French, Dutch, German and Native American ancestry.
- His favorite actors are Tom Cruise and Mike Myers.
- To prepare for New Moon Taylor trained in the gym every day with Edi Gathegi.
- He enjoys playing football and baseball in his spare time.
- He would like to direct films when he is older.
- Taylor's best friends are a dancer and a magician.
Next, I think is going to be Kristen Stewart aka Bella Swan. =]
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
10 things you didn't know about Ashley Greene aka Alice Cullen...
She read all 4 of the Twilight books and was a fan before she was cast as Alice.
Her middle name is Michele - which is also her mother’s name
She graduated high school at the age of 17.
She is 5’5”
Her nicknames are Chewy (Bear) and Asher.
She enjoys surfing, hiking, reading, shopping, and cliff diving in her free time.
She admires Audrey Hepburn’s role in “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” (She adores her).
She will be appearing in “Warrior” opposite Kellan Lutz.
She was born in Jacksonville, Florida.
She was born on February 21, 1987.
**Coming up tomorrow, your favorite werewolf Jacob Black aka Taylor Lautner**
Our Twilight Oath

Sunday, July 12, 2009
10 things you didn't know about Peter Facinelli aka Dr. Carlisle Cullen!
Peter was not interested in playing Dr. Carlisle Cullen in the film Twilight until after he had read the book.
Married to actress Jennie Garth and has 3 children.
Peter got four tickets in three weeks all for different things, he said he was some kind of police magnet.
Peter Cried When Susan Boyle Didn't Win 'Britain's Got Talent'.
Peter said that he’d like to work with Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Al Pacino, and Sean Penn.
Peter has 483,017 Twitter Followers.
Peter was born in Queens, NY. He attended St. Francis Prep in Fresh Meadows, NY, and studied acting at the Atlantic Theater Company Acting School in New York City.
While filming Twilight, Peter kicked his bad habit of biting his nails.
Peter is a vegetarian
Peter is taking Kung Fu lesson, in North Hollywood.
Whew!! That was tough!! Haha. Okayy everyone Kalli commented second and she wanted to see Ashley Greene. So check out tomorrow's blog on Ashley Greene aka Alice Cullen.
Lindsay's answers :)
I'm Lindsay W. I'm 27 (eww) I am married and have been for 5 years, and we have one child togther. :) Please forgive me, I'm not a 'writer'.
Five Things Everyone Should Know About You?
5 Twilightish things
1. I stopped my entire life when I read the books
2. I was hoping for a steamier honey moon.
3. I love Jacobs attitude
4. Sometimes I too wish I was Bella.
5. I didn't know Forks was a real town. lol
5 Random things
1. I hate reading
2. I'm addicted to Dt. Mt. Dew
3. My favorite color is Green.
4. I cheated in computer class and I have to look at the keys to type
5. I hate how close my bday is to Christmas
When Did You First Read Twilight (year) and how many times have you read a Twilight Book (total)?
The week before the movie came out. My friend and I decided we would read and then watch together. She never finished, cheated and watched it anyway. Laaame! I read it got hooked and immediately called Val to borrow the rest. I have read them all once, and listened to Twilight and New Moon once as well and currently on Eclipse.
Team Edward or Team Jacob? Why?
At first I was Team Edward. If i had to choose a team, of course Team Edward. The feelings Edward and Bella have for each other are way too intense for them not to be together. But as I read Breaking Dawn and everything started to fall into place I realized no need for teams. Everyone wins in the end.
Which Character Are You Most Like?
I thought at first maybe Rose, because I can be a 'b', but as I read Midnight Sun and heard how much Jasper really suffered with being a 'good vampire, I started to feel more drawn to him. I too choose to 'do the right thing' in my life.. and sometimes it's such a struggle i feel like giving in and doing what I want to do.
Favorite Books?
Twilight Saga. I never took time to read anything else. I am trying now though.
Favorite Song from the Soundtrack?
Love is Worth the Fall O.A.R.
Favorite Quote?
I need to read them again, nothing really jumped out and stuck besides "Weren't you sort of a pet of theirs?" (Laurent); and I think that was because I was in such a hurry to find out what happens.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
10 things you didn't know about Jackson Rathbone aka Jasper Whitlock Hale...
Jackson was born in Singapore; and lived in places ranging from Indonesia to Midland, Texas.
Jackson was cast in Disney 411.
Jackson is in a band called 100 Monkeys.
Does photography, and some drawing. He tries to incorporate the two together.
He tends to sleep in all of his clothes and then wear them the next day.
Plays banjo, accordian, and ukulele; which he all thinks are annoying.
Whe he was very young he busted his head open 3 times.
He doesn't take very good car of his car. He has been in several fender-benders, and his bumper has fallen off a few times. He tried to fix it with duct-tape, but it keeps falling off. So now his car has no bumper.
He hasn't washed his hair in a long time.
In high school he played basketball, soccer, baseball, football, and ran track.
Hope you guys enjoyed =] Get back to me with comments and I will try to get your favorite character up and posted. =] And remember...
10 things you didn't know about your favorite Twilight stars...
Saturday July 11, 2009
Okay today we will start with the sexiest Vamp, Edward Cullen aka Robert Pattinson.
- Robert had to learn to scuba dive for his role as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter.
- Robert hates when women wear UGGs.
- Robert’s favorite curse word is tike, an offensive British term which refers to a “crude, ill-bred person who lacks culture or refinement.”
- Robert loves American Idol.
- Robert was asked to use Invisaligns to have "perfect vampire teeth", but he chose not to: "I lied to them for about two months. They were like, 'Wow, That's amazing. You can't even see them!' " Also, it took him 20 minutes to get the vampire contacts in. "My eyes are super sensitive. I was always holding things up because it took forever to get them in."
- Robert’s acting inspiration is Jack Nicholson.
- Robert’s sisters (Lizzy and Victoria) used to dress him up as a girl and call him “Claudia.”
- Robert’s fave sports are soccer (football), skiing, and snowboarding.
- Robert had his first kiss when he was 12-years-old.
- Robert started playing the piano when he was three-years-old .
Tomorrow I will continue with the Cullen boys with Japser Hale aka Jackson Rathbone =]
New Twitter Account
I Love You Beth Cooper
The hubs and I went to see "Beth Cooper" last night and we both enjoyed it. has it's cheesy moments...but we were laughing a ton too!
As most of you probably saw on Twitter...this one was another New Moon trailer fail for me. I think my theaters just hate me, but then again, I haven't seen any comments on Twitter about anyone seeing the NM trailer before "Beth Cooper."
Now...if they'll just play it before the HP premiere next Tuesday night/Wednesday morning...I think I might explode at the combination of awesomeness!!
Have any of you gone to see it yet? If so, what did you think? Let us all know in the comments!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Kim's Answers to Member Questions
1. Five Things Everyone Should Know About You?
Here are five Twilight things:
- I thought I was too old to read a book for young adults.
- I LOVE the saga and wish it would not end, but am happy it did not drag on.
- The series reminds me of why I love the Pacific Northwest.
- Sometimes, I wish I was Bella.
- I am waiting for my Edward or Jacob!
Here are five general things:
- I find it really easy to make friends. I am a pretty outgoing person so meeting new people is so easy for me.
- I love living in Los Angeles and every time I think about relocating, I cry.
- My mother is my best friend. There is only one secret she doesn’t know about me.
- If you look up my name (Kimberly) and my sign (Aries) you will find the best description of me. I am so and Aries in almost all ways. While I am not an astrological sign reader or really believe in those things, I do find it interesting that I am the definition of Aries.
- I’ll leave this one blank. I am always learning new things about myself.
2. When Did You First Read Twilight (year) and how many times have you read a Twilight Book (total)?
Funny story! My BFF and I try to go to the movies at least once a month. I see most movies the weekend they are released. It just so happens that we could not decided what movie to see. She had seen what I had not and vice versa. Twilight was the only movie we could decide on. Neither of us really wanted to see it, but we wanted to spend the day together. It is not the best made movie (studio had NO idea and gave Catherine ZERO budget) but we fell in love with the love story. I ran out and bought the books and read them in about two months. So far, I have read (listened to) the books 3 times each.
3. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Why?
Team Edward! Everything about him draws you in. Jacob shows the most growth throughout the series.
4. Which Character Are You Most Like?
I would Bella mainly because I am always in my head. We analyze things to the inth degree and try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Bella and I are only children so we are comfortable being alone and don’t always need to talk to fill the void. But we both talk when we are nervous.
5. Favorite Books?
Right now I am on this young adult, alternative reality kick.
The Twilight Saga, The Mortal Instruments, The Southern Vampire Mysteries, and Harry Potter Series. There are a few “regular” books that I like, but nothing that I have reread as much as Twilight.
6. Favorite Song from the Soundtrack?
Each song on the soundtrack has a special meaning so picking one is almost impossible.
Let Me Sing – Robert Pattinson and Flightless Bird by Iron & Wine are the top two.
7. Favorite Quote?
I have two favorite quotes.
“About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn’t know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.”–Bella
Bella: “How old are you?”
Edward: “Seventeen”
Bella: “How long have you been seventeen?”
Edward: “A while”
Kalli's Answers to Kim's Questions
1. Five Things Everyone Should Know About You?
Ok...let's do this countdown style:
Number 5: I'm 25 and I've been married to my wonderful husband for two years. :)
Number 4: I love Starbucks. Like a lot. Like the barristas at "my" Starbucks (yes...I have a Starbucks that I call mine) know my name and when I come in, most of them ask if I want my usual. It's sad but true. My favorite drink is a Misto - it's steamed milk like in a latte but with coffee rather than espresso. It has the consistency of a latte, but with less caffeine and much cheaper! If you haven't tried one you should!!
Number 3: I'm just a bid OCD. Not serious enough to need drugs or therapy...but still...I have my quirks. You know...pillows in place on the couch, things in the right place on the kitchen counter...not too strange - right?!?
Number 2: I LOVE going to the movies!! And when I go...I love eating's the perfect movie food EVER!
********* drumroll please *********
Number 1: Kalli isn't my real name. (LOL - Bet you didn't see that one coming!) here's one of those stories I mentioned that would take more than 140 characters. I am a grad student at a university deep in the heart of Texas, and when I'm not writing my dissertation, my "job" is teaching college classes...which I absolutely LOVE doing! While I'm super proud of my Twilight obsession, I think my students might think I was crazy if one of them found me on Twitter. So...when I opened my Twitter account, I picked a name that I liked to use as my "super secret identity." LOL!!
2. When Did You First Read Twilight (year) and how many times have you read a Twilight Book (total)?
Out of all 7 Twilight Soul Sisters, I think I'm probably the most recent convert to the Twilight world. When I was teaching summer school last year, I had a student who told me I needed to read the Saga, and I figured she was right...but just didn't have the motivation to pick it up. Then the hubs and I went to see Twilight in November. I liked it, but I still didn't pick up the books. Finally, on a flight in April (yes, sadly, April 2009...just three months ago), a friend convinced me to start reading Twilight...and that was all it took. I finished all four books and Midnight Sun in five days.
Since I'm always going through the books to look for quotes to post on Twitter...I usually don't read them cover to cover. But I easily go through at least one of the books on a quote search every week.
3. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Why?
Team Edward. Not even a question for me. When I read New Moon the first time, I literally had to skip most of the middle third of the book and make sure Edward would come back before I could go back and read the Jacob section. Edward is just too amazing - infinite patience, totally humble, smoldering eyes, a constant desire to hold and kiss his girlfriend, an amazing family, and he DAZZLES people...need I say anything else?!?
4. Which Character Are You Most Like?
That's tough...I don't know that I'm 100% like any one character...but I'm probably some combination of Esme and Bella. I definately have mothering tendancies like Esme...which is probably why I love teaching. But I really am pretty clumsy like Bella. When I took PE in school, I was pretty much as disasterous as she was at Forks High.
5. Favorite Books?
Um...Twilight obviously! I love Harry Potter as well. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite "classic" book. I also love Gregory McGurie's books - he's the one who wrote the novel "Wicked" that inspired the musical. If you haven't already, you should check his books out.
Sadly...since I spend lots of my time trying to become Dr. Kalli...I don't get a lot of time to read for! Most reading for fun these days is Twilight fan fiction...whew...that is some hot stuff!! Need some reccomendations? Just ask! :)
6. Favorite Song from the Soundtrack?
Ok...I really can't pick just one. I'm an emotional music listener, so my favorite songs change based on my moods and activities. When I'm driving, my favorite is "Spotlight." When I'm listening to my iPod and powerwalking across campus, my favorite is "Supermassive Black Hole." When I need to chill, I love "Bella's Lullaby." And when I want to put myself in the "vampire story mood," my favorite is "Eyes on Fire." But then again...I don't really hate any of the songs on the soundtrack either!
7. Favorite Quote?
Ok friends...if I couldn't choose one song from a soundtrack of 13 on earth would I be able to choose one quote from over 2500 pages?!? Whew! I think I'll just close by saying that I share four of my favorite Twilight quotes on Twitter everyday. Follow me on there at @CullenHouse! :)
Well, Kim, I love this idea of this quiz, so here we go!
My name is: Krystle Marie
I am 24 and married to a kick ass soldier, Erich <3
From the Philippines but a total Yankee!!
Live in Arkansas…DO NOT MOVE HERE!!
Five things everyone should know about me? Hmm:
*I never let my friends down; they mean the world to me!
*I would love to live in England, ooo the accents!!
*I am very random and make no sense!
*I have been obsessed with vampires since I was about 7
*I love love love SNOW (yes totally random)
Giving ya one more (ha-ha)
*I am in the process of writing a book with Vampires/Witches/Hybrids
(inspiration…S.M. thanks!)
When I first read Twilight and how many times I read it….
My friend *Val* (different one ha-ha) harassed me to read Twilight, told me I would love it. Finally I picked it up for my drive to WI. Never put it down!! I have read them a total of 3 times going on a 4th but I am trying to finish True Blood.
Team Edward or Team Jacob:
I would have to say Edward. He was soo alone but then Bella came along and changed his life to something more meaningful! What he did for love…ahhhh..I am such a sap! It kind of is a tie but man Jake knew how to piss me off A LOT! He-he
Character I am like…Hmm..Well, I would have to say Bella. (No, not because I am in love with Edward..Ha-ha) I am the clumsiest person you will meet! If there was an impossible way to trip or fall, I would figure it out. I had knee surgery (twice) and the next day…I managed to find the slightest bit of water on the floor and slam right down on it! OWWW! I have fallen walking into my friend’s hair salon while still on crutches and right after they took my stitches out…There are a lot more crazy a** stories but I won’t bore you with them! Ha-ha.
My favorite books:
Mandy (it was my fave since I was little)
Twilight Saga (Of course)
Harry Potter
True Blood
The Secret Garden
House of Night Series (just started)
Fave song from Twilight:
Eyes on Fire, Blue Foundation; by far my favorite! My second favorite is Flightless Bird American Mouth, Iron and Wine!!
My favorite Quote?
Soo many, but I do really love this one:
When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. –Bella Swan *Twilight*
Well, that is all for now. If I think of anything else, I will add it! If not just ask me. Ask away! Ha-ha
Answers to Kim's Questions =]
Hey I'm Jada and i want to say thanks to Kalli for this AWESOME blog idea, and and AMAZING job on our TSS shirts. And thank you Kim for this cool little questionaire. =]
1. Five Things Everyone Should Know About You?
*I am a Real-Life Vampire in Training, haha just kidding but I am the closest thing to it, I am training to be a Phlebotomist(taking peoples blood).
*I wish EVERYONE would read Twilight.
*I LOVE loud Rock Music
*I LOVE Tattoos (i have 5)
*I am on Twitter ALMOST 24/7. lol
2. When Did You First Read Twilight (year) and how many times have you read a Twilight Book (total)?
November 2008, to be honest my friend dragged me to the midnight showing of the movie and I had NO clue what it was about. (i feel ashamed) But about 10 minutes into the movie I was HOOKED!! I drove to Wal-Mart at 2 in the morning just to get the books. It took me a little over a week to read the whole Saga, and Im starting on my about 6th time to read it through. =]
3. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Why?
Ooo Goodness--Well I am mainly Team Edward. Edward goes through so much pain and suffering just to keep Bella alive, a true masochist. I never really understood how much he goes through until I read Midnight Sun. But then about half-way through Eclipse I am Team Switzerland lol. You understand how much Jacob loves her, too. Yeah, Jake does become annoying at certain times, but I see where he is coming from.
4. Which Character Are You Most Like?
Probably a tie between Alice and Bella. Im very clumsy haha so im like Bella in that way. But Im like Alice because I LOVE fast cars haha, and I love fashion and all that sort of Alice-y stuff.
5. Favorite Books?
Besides The Twilight Saga, I am about to start on the last Mortal Instruments book (they are amazing). I LOVE Nicholas Sparks books, and Harry Potter.
6. Favorite Song from the Soundtrack?
Flightless Bird, American Mouth--Iron and Wine
7. Favorite Quote?
Ahhh!! I have sooo many, but here are a few of the faves:
"Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when
each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me." Bella Swan- New Moon."When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end." Bella Swan- New Moon.
My Answers to Kim's Questinaire
Five Things Everyone Should Know About You?
Im very random, often talk in movie quotes, loyal friend, hate silk, and love to laugh!
When Did You First Read Twilight (year) and how many times have you read a Twilight Book (total)? November 2008. I actually read all 4 in four days. I was a newbie and got sucked in full throttle! Safe to say each one at least twice so that makes what-8 times? LOL.
Team Edward or Team Jacob? Why?
Im Team Edward all the way. Mainly b/c for so long he was alone, not thinking he deserved love b/c he was a monster then like a shooting star Bella went across his sky. He fights the urge to kill her (b/c thats his nature) b/c he loves her more than anything. Once again proving that love conquers all. Im a hopeless romantic!
Which Character Are You Most Like?
Alice. Aside from seeing the future, I love to plan parties, I love driving fast sports cars, if I had one, and I appear nice and perky I can be a little monster when needed. I like shopping too. It's strange b/c my BF reminds me of Jasper too. Very quiet, like he is trying to control his emotions. He also calms me when I get too worked up, he also looks out for me knowing that I don't really need it but does it anyways. He has never tried to kill my brothers girlfriend though, just so we are clear. Who is also my best friend, so we have a friendship that is very close to what Alice and Bella have. True story.
Favorite Books?
I really like Harry Potter, and the Sookie Stackhouse Novels. I also like the classics Pride and Predjuice and Catcher in the Rye. David Sedaris novels are fun to read as well.
Favorite Song from the Soundtrack?
Eyes on Fire-Blue Foundation -it has been my ringtone for MONTHS!
Favorite Quote?
"How opposed are you to Grand Theft Auto?" -Alice in New Moon.
That was the moment I decided I wanted to be Alice! LOL.
Anything else-just ask!
Gossip Mags and our Twilight Stars
It seems as though you can't walk down the magazine aisle anywhere without noticing something about Twilight and/or the actors in the films. These brings me to a dark secret that I feel I must reveal. Not only do I stand in the aisle and read these magazines, I often BUY them! There I said it. I will admit, some of them make me feel like a 14 year old guy buying Tiger Beat all over again! Im not as bad as my friend who religiously every Thursday makes the trip to Wal-Mart to purchase every magazine with any mention of Twilight, the stars or Robert Pattinson. Others just make me laugh out loud at how ridiculous they are! I also think they fill some void I have because New Moon isn't out yet.
For example, the Australian media source that is claiming Kristen Stewart is preggers. They are claiming that K-Stew realized her period was late and asked a friend to buy her pregnancy test and she added up the days and realized Rob was the father. Of course, this was from a "source" close to Kristen. Which speaking of these "sources" where do they find these people? Are they their cleaning staff or a studio grip? It doesn't mean you're a close personal friend if you cleaned the toilet in her hotel room.
This week's issue of Life & Style is claiming "Twilight Stars In Crisis" with R-Pats dumping Kristen and how this is going to "destroy" the future movies and how he's moved on already. The article goes onto claim that Emilie de Ravin left her husband and how werid, right after she started filiming with R-Pats! Gasps! Let's completely throw out the idea that maybe, things just weren't working out for them or they have been seperated for months, or he or she was an alien. But then again, its Hollywood and happy doesn't sell.
Other mags are claiming that Kristen has warned Emilie to stay away from Rob, and that Rob texts Kristen constantly to "check-in", and who can forget the crazy love triangle between Rob, Kristen and Nikki Reed? Who is to say this is true? But then again I argue with myself the idea of who's to say its NOT true? Oh the struggle! So I leave you with you this: take it all with a grain of salt! Also, this week's issue of Us Weekly, has some SMOKIN HOT pics of Rob at a photo shoot! I would definitely recommend picking that one up! Until we met again...
- Val
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Way to go Kalli
- Five Things Everyone Should Know About You?
- When Did You First Read Twilight (year) and how many times have you read a Twilight Book (total)?
- Team Edward or Team Jacob? Why?
- Which Character Are You Most Like?
- Favorite Books?
- Favorite Song from the Soundtrack?
- Favorite Quote?
Sneak Preview of Kalli's Quotes for Next Week!
I wanted y'all to be the first to hear that my theme for quotes next week is "Kisses." I'll be going one by one...reliving all of the Edward/Bella passion we know and love!
Eeep!! I love these's going to be a great week!
~ Kalli
Kalli's Fail of the Day...
So a few weeks ago my friends and I went to buy our tickets for the midnight Harry Potter premiere next week. We were so proud of ourselves for thinking so far in advance. But none of us took the time to read our tickets. All six of us just assumed that since most movies open on Friday, this one would too. And so for a week, we've all been talking about how hard it was gonna be to drag ourselves to work the next morning, and one of my friends even took off work next Friday.
And then today, it dawned on us that the 15th isn't next's next Wednesday.
So...there's good news and bad news.
The good news is that I'm getting to see HP two days earlier than I thought!
The bad news for my friend is that it's too late for her to change her day off next week. And the bad news for me is that I STILL haven't started my re-read of HBP...and it's really starting to look like I'm not gonna make it.
Oh least next time I'll look at a calendar! LOL!!