Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Moon Music Countdown

Remember when we started the 100 Days till New Moon!? We are at day 65 and I am more anxious for New Moon with each passing minute! Today's song of the day is "Without a Trace" by Trust Company. I will admit, this is not a favorite band of mine, but I have a few of their songs and this one is a great song for Bella. The song is about being lost and falling by the wayside and just drifting away and barely holding onto anything and reaching out for anyone to save them from this place. Forks has become Bellas hell on Earth and yet its her heaven because without Forks, she never would have met Edward. Shes just so lost without a trace because he is gone. The tone of the song is soft which isn't their usual sound. It makes you almost feel that feeling when you don't care about anything, anyone even yourself or what happens. You are just lost and don't know where to go and don't care. I think thats how Bella was after Edward left and before Jake. Enjoy!

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