Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Moon Music Countdown

HOLY CROW! 2 Weeks until we are all reunited with Bella, Edward, and the rest of the Cullens and wolves! What a glorious day that will be yea!?
Keeping with the New Moon Soundtrack theme I have going here, today's song is "I Belong to you" by Muse. Stephenie Meyer loves Muse and so Twilighters have been introduced to their musical genius. They made their debut with Supermassive Blackhole in Twilight but they have been around for many years. If you don't have their songs, just search them on itunes and click away! They are FABULOUS!

"I belong to you" is a song upbeat which is rare on the NM soundtrack, the book is not sunshine and rainbows so why should the soundtrack?, and it appears to be one of the more popular songs. The lyrics go along with Bella I feel. She goes all the way to Italy to save him, face the Volturi for crying out loug to prove to him that she isn't dead and she loves him regardless of what he says. All with the mind set that he doesn't want her but because of her devotion to him she will do that to save him. It is the reason I love New Moon so much, Bella is saving Edward for once. Really shows she isn't as fragile as Edward thinks, and that even a vampire could use a human to save them. "I traveled half the world to say 'i belong to you' " are perfect lyrics for the scene where they are reunited. So let me know what you think! Yay? Nay?

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