Saturday, August 15, 2009

New Moon Music countdown

Hidy-Ho everyone!
Okie so today marks 96 days until we all absolutely go nuts-NEW MOON DAY! I think Pres. Obama should declare it a National Holiday-complete with closing banks and schools.

Ok so today I am going with a song that describes The Volturi. WHAT you say? YES the Volturi!

The song is "They" by Jem. The song reminds of me when Edward and Bella have the conversation about who the Volturi is. It asks "who are they? how do they know they know?" I just was listening it to the other day for the millionith time and it hit me HEY! this could describe the Volturi!
Yes Twilight has effected every aspect of my life! LOL! If you haven' t heard this song seriously take a listen. Jem is a fave of mine and this song is prob. my fave by her! Ok so be watching Twitter for the blip of "They" by Jem!
Ahhh another fantastical day until New Moon has risen and we all watch! = F

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