Well, here it is, my first blog! I know I said it was gonna be about my trip to Forks, and I will still blog about that, but this was too funny not to tell!
Last night, my best friend Jessica, her husband Tony and their daughter came over. We were trying to find something to do, and Jessica suggested that we watch Twilight becuase Tony had yet to see it. Jessica has read the books and seen the movie a few times, but Tony really only had "bare bones" knowledge of what Twilight was even about. So, that's what we did, and let's just say Jessica and I were both surprised by his reaction to the movie!
He was into the movie from the very beginning. He asked a few questions cause he didn't understand a few things at the very beginning, but after that if we attempted to speak, we were "shushed" LOL. he was very intrigued by the first scene in Biology class,and it didn't take him long to figure out Bella "smelled good" to Edward and he noticed the change in eye color right away! When we got to the scene where Edward rescued Bella in Port Angeles, he was like "man I want that car so I can drive like that". He was totally loving the movie, but all through it he kept asking, "Why doesn't he make her a vampire. If I loved someone like that, I would want to be with them forever", so we had to give him a little background on that, LOL.
The best part of this whole experience was after the movie. As soon as it was done, he said "Oh man, there has to be another one!" We then told him about New Moon, and showed him the trailer. At the part when Edward says "This is the last time you will ever see me", his jaw dropped and he said "Noooooooo!" He looked like he was ready to crawl up in the fetal position and cry (just like Bella)! At this point Jess and I were practically on the floor laughing because we so were not expecting that reaction from him. he watched the rest of the trailer and then asked to see it again, saying " he can't leave her!" After watching it the second time, he looked at us and said "When does this come out? We're going to the midnight showing, right?" LOL
He proceeded to watch the trailer a few more times before they left and at one point, this was the conversation between him and jessica Tony: honey, can I get a red truck like Bella's? Jessica: Well, why don't we start you out with a Twilight keychain or something first. LOL!
Jessica told me today that he told her that he probably wouldn't be a "fanatic like Cheryl", but he could understand why people liked it so much, because he was already wanting to watch it again! She said she's betting he'll be watching it when she comes home from work tomorrow night!
And that is the story of how another Twilight fan was born!