Monday, July 27, 2009

Random Twi-Moment from My Weekend

Saturday night the hubs and I went over to a friend's house for dinner and game night. There were four couples there, and we all decided to play Taboo after dinner.

For those of you who haven't played, here's how it works. You draw a card with a word, name, or phrase at the top that you try to get your team members to say. But, there is also a list of words on the card that you can't say. So, for example, you might try to get your team to say "teeth," but you can't say "mouth," "bite," "gums," "chew," or "dentist." It's a pretty fun game, and if you haven't played...I highly recommend it.

Anyhow...we were playing guys vs. girls...and one of the guys was having a really hard time getting his team to say a certain phrase. Finally, he got someone to shout "dead end."

You're probably all with me by now, but at that moment, my first thought was: "Oh...that would have been really easy. Just say, what movie did Bella and Jessica go see in New Moon?"

And then I realized that the other people in the room probably wouldn't have had a clue what I was talking about. *Sigh* Now I'm wishing for a TSS game night when we could all get together and play Twilight Scene-It!


  1. That is hilarious! HAHAHA! Some pple just don't get how Twilight can fit into all aspects of life. I often find myself saying Twilight things and pple look at me werid.

  2. bahaha.

    Yeah... I'm a quoter, like Val... Movies, etc... especially the Friends tv series.

    they don't KNOW we know they know!
